Impressum - Maklerverwaltungssoftware aB-Agenta


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artBase! Software GmbH
Im Oberflur 32
56766 Auderath

Telefon: +49 2676 952 74-0
Telefax: +49 2676 952 74-90

Telefon: +43 1 349 1012-0
Telefax: +43 1 349 1012-90


Dipl. Informatiker Bernhard Thomas (Geschäftsführer)
Beate Thomas (Prokuristin)

Amtsgericht Koblenz

HRB 4682

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 157 044 849


Chameleon Furcifer Pardalis©Eric Isselée, Germany Flag, Austrian Flag, Swiss Flag©REDUXO, Logo – Jubiläum©Kobes, 325 Too Icons – Orange©Matthias Enter, Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen©unpict, Handy©maconga, Big set of price tags that you can use it in©AquaLife, Beautiful young woman showing blank©vgstudio, Update! Button, Icon©Visual Concepts, Würfel, Kommunikation, Support©senoldo, Kreidetafel mit Talente gesucht©m.schuckart, Schleife 134©K.-U.Häßler, Magic Technology©violetkaipa, new set of 100 glossy web icons©radoma, big green grey iconset©Matthias Enter, Button Rund Frühlings Aktion©vektorisiert, Green paper tag©Petr Vaclavek, Weichnachtsaktion Stempel©PictureP., Shopping concept©Creativeapril, mauszeiger-sammlung©WoGi, Attractive senior business man looking towards copy space©Yuri Arcurs, Female holiday clown©Patrick Hermans, Tick & Cross buttons©Web Buttons Inc, Beautiful happy blond business woman showing thumbs up©Yuri Arcurs, entertainment web icons, work web icons©Matthias Enter, sale, bio and handmade icons/labels©radoma, PupazzoNeve01sci©imagebos, Girl hand touching screen on smart phone©nenetus, Weihnachtsmann zeigt nach oben©Thaut Images, Cheerful smiling child at the blackboard©yuryimaging, Timeline concept: Hourglass and Time on computer keyboard Timeline concept: Hourglass and Time on computer keyboard©Maksim Kabakou, Branchennews©Coloures-Pic, Sticker Fit für SEPA gelb©guukaa, happy new year 2014© nito, Looking for a job?©lithian, Update! Button, Icon©Visual Concepts, Left Office©pressmaster, desk©magdal3na, Female hand putting coin into a piggy bank©Andrey Burmakin, interface©vege, interaktiv©Pathfinder, Financial success concept man pointing chart©Mikko Lemola, network©vege, contact©vege, login©vege, net©vege, info©vege, businesswoman, showing thumb up hand sign gesture©vgstudio, Banners set number modern design vector©pongsuwan, Table Top And Blur Interior©elsar, Paragraph©MK-Photo, Property insurance©Jakub Jirsák, businesswoman, showing thumb up hand sign gesture©vgstudio, Frau mit Visitenkarte©Jonas Glaubitz, Portrait of happy smiling young support phone operator©vgstudio, Beautiful woman with laptop on sofa©Yuri Arcurs, Finger wählt 5 Sterne auf Touchscreen aus©fotogestoeber, Jetzt anmelden!©geschmacksRaum®, Realistic Tablet and Smartphone with white Wallpaper Screen Isolated on white©Astrovector studio

Woman with a laptop against the sky©toshimself, Hand holding Iphone 4©TommL, Beautiful woman above white blank billboard©gruizza, File type©lushik, Mature businessman with his arms crossed©GlobalStock, Cloud computing icons©Lazarev, Computer Workstation©deliormanli, Tablet pc & ui interface©pictafolio, Sync or Connect Devices@pictafolio, Business & Office Icon Set©-Mosquito-, Universal icons – Global communication©lushik, internet icon set sky reflection©PhotoHamster, Universal icons – Wireless©lushik, Relaxed Businessman©H-Gall, We got it©lisegagne, Happy businesswoman pointing at copy space©Yuri, goldfish jumping off to new fishtank©alaxum, Saving©urbancow, Business Handshake©alexsl, woman present, beautiful smiling happy woman in headset©ValuaVitaly, Cans©AlexStar, Mobile Communication©alexsl, Business woman pointing at copyspace isolated on white©GlobalStock, Young girl with computer©studiovision, Woman smiling showing white blank sign billboard©Maridav, Happy mature business woman with copyspace leaning on a wall©GlobalStock, acrobatic business©ZoneCreative, Businesswoman holding a billboard©Yuri, percentage symbol©javarman3, Nahaufnahme der Frau arbeitet auf Laptop©kristian sekulic, Kontaktieren Sie uns Symbole auf Post-It Stockfoto©NiroDesign, Stolzer Mann ihren text anzeigen©ridofranz, Atmen Sie die frische Luft in business Stockfoto©GlobalStock, Mädchen berühren Bildschirm Ihres Smarthone. Verschwommene Hintergrund horizontale©Pinkypills, Geschäfte mit einem Lächeln©mapodile

Internet icons vector, Interface clean series vector©diegoalies, Social network icons reflection vector, Social network icon set aqua theme vector©wonderfulpixel, Colorful label paper circle brush stroke vector©Sarunyu_foto, Colorful options banner template vector©Kittisak, Design elements vector©Alhovik, Product versions comparison cards vector©orson, Click here mouse cursors vector©DrawnKeeper, Forward high-detailed web button collection vector©Vjom, Green seal stamp icon label design vector©djvstock

Braune Und Schwarze Bokeh Fotografie Mit Weißem Text von Lena Khrupina

Adobe Stock

Young confident manager or designer sitting by her workplace in office in front of computer monitor©Pressmaster

Icon made by „alessio-atzeni“ from

Photo by DocuSign on Unsplash

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